Moments from my Mind
Sharing thoughts, for a better enlightened mind...Reaching inside of us and Revealing our best to the world. Change starts from our Mind.
Monday, April 9, 2012
ان لم تعودوا و تصيروا مثل الاولاد لن تدخلوا ملكوت السموات... لمثل هولاء ملكوت السموات
دخل طفل بعمر الخمس سنوات إلى الصيدليّة و قال للصيدلي :
هيدي كل المصاري اللي معي!
فيّي إشتري فيها معجزة؟؟
إندهش الصيدلي لمّا سمِعَ ذلك و سأل الطفل:
لشو بدّك المعجزة ومين وصفها يا حِلو؟
فأجابه الطفل:
الحكيم قال إنو إمّي ما بتصحّ إلا بمعجزة،
وأنا بحبّها لأمّي كتير وهودي المصريّات كنت مجمعهم لأشتري فيهم بسكلات، بس بحبّ إمّي أكتر وبدّي ياها تصح، عمول معروف ساعدني! بكفّوا المصاري؟
فقال له الصيدلي:
يا ريت الدوا عندي كنت عطيتك إياه بدون مصاري لأنّك بتحب إمك كتير. دوا إمّك موجود بس عند يسوع، روح عالكنيسة وقلّوا ليسوع، يسوع بيحب الاولاد وبيسمعلون.
ركض الطفل مسرعا إلى الكنيسة ودخل، ووقف أمام شخص يسوع المصلوب عند الهيكل وقال:
بعرِف إنّك مصلوب وعم تتوجّع ومش فاضيلي, بس الصيدلي قلّي دوا إمّي "المعجزة" عندك، أنا بحبّها لأمّي وهودي كل مصرياتي اللي مجمعهم لأشتري فيهم بسكلات، بعطيك إياهم وبوعدك إجي ساعدك لتنزل، عمول معروف عجّل!
لم يلق الطفل أي جواب من شخص يسوع، عندها صرخ بصوت عالٍ:
إذا ما بدّك تساعدني رح إتشكّاك لأمّك العدرا!
إذا إنتِ بتحب إمّك متل ما أنا بحب إمّي، ساعدني وعطيني الدوا وما بعوّق برجع أنا بساعدك!
سمع الكاهن الحديث وصراخ الطفل ليسوع في الكنيسة وقال للطفل:
يسوع بيسمع كل شي حتى لو حكيت بصوت واطي، بس ما برِدّ، هوّي بساعد وبعتني لروح معك لعند إمّك عالبيت! يللا خدني عبيتكم.
ومشى الطفل والكاهن إلى المنزل وبدأ يخبره كم يحب أمّه وإنّها هي كل شيئ بحياته ومرضها ووجعها المؤلم وهي بالسرير دوما وما قاله الدكتور أنّ شفائها يلزمه معجزة والصيدلي قال إنّوا يسوع وحده عندو الدوا.
ما إن وصلوا إلى المنزل، دخل الطفل والكاهن إلى غرفة أمِّه ووجد السرير فارغا، فصرخ الطفل بهلع:
مـامـــــا! ! !
عندها ركضت أمّه من المطبخ واحتضنته وقالت له: حبيبي، بسلِّم عليك الحكيم اللي شفاني وبيقلّك هوّي كمان بحب إمّو كتير، من وين بتعرفو؟
عندها تدخل الكاهن وقاطعهم وقال للطفل:
شِفِتْ، عمِل متل ما بَدّك وسبقنا وإجا هوّي كمان
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
وصية البابا شنودة الثالث لنا
(وصية البابا لينا)
انا ابوكم و معلمكم يا جميع البنين اسمعوا وصاياى..
لانى اسألكم يا اولادى الأحباء.. احفظوا الامانة التى للثالوث القدوس
اسألكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. احبوا بعضكم بعض بمحبة حقيقية
اسألكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. اصنعوا الخير مع البشر
اسألكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. لا تدعوا العالم يضلكم
اسألكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. ان لا تتوانوا فى خدمة الله
اطلب اليكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. ان تتعبوا فى الصلاة
اطلب اليكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. ان تحفظوا السنتكم من الوقيعة
اطلب اليكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. ان تحفظوا المعمودية التى دفعت اليكم
اطلب اليكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. احفظوا اجسادكم طاهرة للرب
اطلب اليكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. لا تتركوا مصابيحكم تنطفىء البتة
اطلب اليكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. احفظوا الناموس الذى اعطاكم الله
اطلب اليكم يا اولادى الاحباء.. لتكن مخافة الله فيكم..
Pope Shenouda III last will to us
I am your Father and your teacher, all you boys and listen to my commands ..
I ask you because I loved you my children .. Keep the trust with which the Holy Trinity
Ask you, O my children loved ones .. Love some of you some real love
Ask you, O my children loved ones .. : Do good with humans
Ask you, O my children loved ones .. Do not let the world deceive
Ask you, O my children loved ones .. Not be in the service of God Ttoanwa
I ask you, O my children loved ones .. That toil in praying
I ask you, O my children loved ones .. From that moment to memorize your tongues utter discord
I ask you, O my children loved ones .. Moment to memorize the baptism which you paid
I ask you, O my children loved ones .. Keep your bodies pure for the Lord
I ask you, O my children loved ones .. Do not let your lamps at all Tntefe
I ask you, O my children loved ones .. Keep the law, which God hath given you
I ask you, O my children loved ones .. Let the fear of God in you ..
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Your Friendly Neighborhood...
Everyday when I go to college, I wish that I can meet someone I know (a special someone) from my friends on the way to college. Every single day I go I wonder will I meet her?!
Well I don't always go to college at the same time so I always thought this should increase my probability to meet her. And every day I wait, wonder, will show up in the metro station, on the next corner, passing the hopes go high then...BOOOOM, nothing.
Then I thought why should I meet her when I am going, can't I meet her on my way back?!!
I thought that meeting her at the beginning of the day, would make my day but I was a bit desperate and I wished I could meet her.
And a new hope of meeting her anytime, anywhere, just a glimpse of her sight would -as I thought- would change my day.
Then a funny thing happened, ironically funny. I met...but not her -unfortunately- others, friends, people I know, even people that been long since I saw them just bumped in my way.
At first I didn’t appreciate that thing, and wondered since I meet those people why can't I meet her and I complained and miserabled my self by that thought and I didn't see the reason why did this happen, actually I didn’t even bother thinking of it...i saw people that hayed me from far that I didn’t even know that they know me!!!
Anyway when incidents like that kept repeating itself I was hit in the face by an unexpected it was:
Though it would've been great to see her and talk to her a bit, but the problem that I was hanging my happily day by someone special, that right...but that is freakily insane . Common we can see someone to make us feel good, but its even BETTER to see so many people that hay greet and talk to you that many. But even better to be surrounded by may people that cheer you up and you by that feel more accepted and that thought of "A friendly people in a friendly neighborhood…
Sure I can have a deer friend to meet every day but guess what, what if I know that if him or her just isn't here doesn't mean I cant be happy or that I cant meet new people or even renewing an old relationship. Funny that if opened my phone book to find hundreds of name of people that know me and I do too then I just want to wait for one of them too call as if I would erase the rest and just cocoon myself to that someone.
Now I m just glad that I see a friendly face in a friendly neighborhood…^^
Sunday, May 29, 2011
We'll Meet Again...
I remember when my family first entered the cable TV to our house, I was about 11-12 years old. That is when I saw the Oprah Show on MBC 4. Though it took me 2 shows to realize I like the Oprah show, I started watching my mom and me. And my God how many times we wished we could be on the show, well we are from Egypt so that luxury wasn't meant for us, but we were still delighted and happy just to be able to watch her.
Oprah I want to thank you because you gave me the passion to reading, my first book I read was the Secret after you made an episode on it, you gave me a vision that I can reach what I dream of, an ability to pursue my dreams and believe in myself, though I sometimes lake some self confidence but I keep my eyes on my goal.
So I said I can inspire people as you inspired me and others. So I served in my Community church as a mentor and a preacher for kids and took courses to do that too and a lot of reading spiritually and self-help books, and my focus was and still just to tell them 2 things...God Loves you in many ways and aspects and tell them you are accepted as you, a great human no matter what you do you are loved. And whatever you want to do you can achieve just keep your focus.
I made myself a quote so that I never give up: " If there is a treasure, and you are truly searching for it, you will eventually find it "
I said to myself I want to be an engineer and you can get to engineering school, and here I am in it, now I am saying you could go to take a Masters degree from MIT or Caltech, hard and I know that but I will never give up I will do every thing in my power and will leave it to God's hands to direct me believing in his love to me and his guidance.
Oprah, I want to tell you that you were the sound to pull me out of depression when I fall saying I can't, you were the voice to keep me going and what you did on your stage to help others inspired me to do so and reached my half way around the globe.
On your farewell show you said you are responsible, and you are right I was rejected by people for many bad habits I used to do, though I didn't know but because you pushed me to read I knew and started to change for the better.
It took me years and hours of crying tears and blood till I finally saw the green leaves of the small seed you helped plant in me.
Yes, I am responsible for people's acceptance, for the energy and emotions I transmit, for the love I give, for my life and what happened or will happen in it. I can't say I can't, no I can, God give me power to use it, gave me purpose to fulfill and for that I am alive and you made me remember that
Now I am 20 years old, A changed educated and enlighten man, able to right what is on his mind, and think properly, though I wished to see you earlier, but every thing happens in life is for a reason and it happens in a certain time, in the right time, that is what I believe . You inspired me to change, change my mental health, my way of thinking, my priorities, even my way of eating and my body, maybe more but those are the most significant to me.
For that Oprah, I thank you, thank God for making you like this and for putting you along people's way including mine. Thanks Oprah
If you were wondering why did I name my article like this, Cause I don't like farewells, and I know for certain that people meet in heaven and there is where I'm certain I will meet you, that's is why We'll meet again Oprah…
I tried my best to write what I feel, hope you like it , I feel you deserve more but this is the best I could write for what you did to me. I wrote my feelings sincerely and truthfully no exaggerations.
I don't know when will we meet and see each other(on that day or any day before), but till then thanks Oprah for you help. See you Oprah :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
"يا صاحب ، لماذا جئت ؟"
سؤال من المسيح لتلميذه في بشارة متي 27 : 50 .عتاب .. يمكن ،توبيخ بحنان .. لما لا ،نداء للاستيقاظ .. جائز ،او ربما دعوة للتوبة في لحظات اخيرة ،كلام منطقي .. لكن سبب السؤال وهل أثّر علي ذلك التلميذ ليس موضوعي . لكني اريد ان اسأل لو كنت مكان التلميذ ماذا كنت لافعل ،بصراحة .. سألت نفسي ذلك السؤال والرد كان سريع ،سأركع عند قدميه ببكاء وحزن أليم وأطلب الرحمة وبما اني اعرفه منذ وقت طويل فأنا أثق في قبول توبتي ،لكن هذا العام سألت نفسي ثانية نفس السؤال وقلت اني لربما سلمت ابن الانسان اكثر من مرة .مرة ذهبت لقداس الصيام في احد الايام الاربعين لان صديقي قال تعالي معي لكني كنت أشعر بملل ولم أركز في القداس .ومرة كي أقف مع الشمامسة كي يراني الناس ،ومرات كي اتقابل مع الاصحاب بعدها .ثم جاء اسبوع الالام وسؤلت مرة اخري قبل البصخة "لماذا جئت" ألعلي احرج من اقوال الناس اني غير روحاني او ربما لرؤية هذا فلان او تلك فلانة او ربما لمجرد ان يجب ان احضر .ونفس سؤال وقت التسليم في خميس العهد او وقت الالام في الجمعة العظيمة ،لربما تعودت علي الذهاب واصعب وقت وقت أسئل عن سبب فرحتي وتأنقي وانفتاح شهيتي وقد تتوقعوا بماذا كان ردي .
لكني أتمني حقا عند اجابتي ان تكون بلا تلك الاسباب ،ولا حتي لخوفي من العذاب ،او من عين الناس ،او بحث عن خلاص .اتمني حقا ان تكون " ان اكون معاك " اتعشي معه وهو معي . يتكلم واستمع .. افرح معه ....
والان اسئلك علي لسان سيدي "يا صاحب لماذا جئت"