Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What’s Fear… or Why Fear?!!/!!ما هو الخوف...أو لماذا الخوف؟

What’s Fear… or Why Fear?!!

A wise man said:”I fear darkness because it shows my shame, and I fear the light because it shows my faults!!”

Strange sentence…….some of us are afraid of spiders, insects, some animals, some places, and in sometimes it becomes illness that affect our lives (phobias)...someone could get in a shock when he stands on a tall building, because of his fear of heights.

Or maybe fear of an incident, of someone, or the famous fear of the future, and the curse of repeating the past, which some of us think it can happen (personal opinion: I don’t believe in that)…all of that is fine, maybe someone need some fear in his life, or maybe that is what makes us humans ”feelings”…

But that is not what I want to talk about, what I want to refer to is our fear of light…let me explain, well some of us fear of shining, his afraid of goodness, maybe because of the responsibility or people when they LOOK UP to him, or he is afraid of change, well some say that being bad or making bad things, or not doing a thing at all is easier and there is no much stress in it, probably, or maybe some Christians fear that small door that leads to heaven because they heard that not many people could go through it, I’m sure of that that is what the Bible said, but on the other hand a monk once said: walking down the spiritual road is hard, but its also FUN!!!

When we shine we let other people shine, concisely or not, we give them hope, give them light, give them an example that they can, we tell them others made it, we made it, you can make it, you can shine liberate yourself of your fear and see the light, see the light of freedom, see the LIGHT of HOPE.

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