Saturday, February 26, 2011

Movie Night “IN”

Though you may think what is this name , or you could think not a good quote, but actually I’m saying it because that is what is really going on.

My friends and I suggested we get a movie and watch it in our friend’s house where there is a flat BIG screen a comfy place, and of course the best thing that no one else is here. Its just us, the movie, some games, and well…maybe a something else…I won this game...that was their losing face :D :P

Not some girls, although I would have preferred it, but no, friendship and funny words with a bit of silliness would do the trick for a fun day and night, rather better than with some girls Angel Open-mouthed smile

We had fun as if we were at the movies (cinema). Hope we do it again. It was really fun, some gags, and a good movies

But nest time I should remind them with some popcorn…come to think of it, how on earth didn’t I mention it before?!!

Will do…will do…till next time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

!!للبنات فقط

يُقال إن الرجل حين يتألم يكره، بعكس المرأة التي حين تتألم تزداد عاطفةً و حباً !!...
فلو خٌلقت حواء من آدم وهو مستيقظ لشعر بألم خروجها من ضلعه و كرهها،
لكنها خُلقت منه و هو نائم .. حتى لا يشعر بالألم فلا يكرهها..
...بينما المرأة تلد و هي مستيقظة ، و ترى الموت أمامها ،
لكنها تزداد عاطفة .. و تحب مولودها ؟؟ بل تفديه بحياتها ...
لنعدْ إلى آدم و حواء ..
خُلقت حواء من ضلعٍ أعوج ، من ذاك الضلع الذي يحمي القلب
أتعلمون السبب ؟؟
لأن الله خلقها لتحمي القلب .. هذه هي مهنة حواء .. حماية القلوب ..
فخُلقت من المكان الذي ستتعامل معه
بينما آدم خُلق من تراب لأنه سيتعامل مع الأرض ..
سيكون مزارعاً و بنّاءً و حدّاداً و نجاراً ..
لكن المرأة ستتعامل مع العاطفة .. مع القلب .. ستكون أماً حنوناً
.. وأختاً رحيماً .. و بنتاً عطوفاً ... و زوجةً وفية .. .. ..
الضلع الذي خُلقت منه حواء أعوج !!!!
يُثبت الطب الحديث أنه لولا ذاك الضلع لكانت أخف ضربة على القلب سببت نزيفاً ،
فخلق الله ذاك الضلع ليحمي القلب .. ثم جعله أعوجاً ليحمي القلب من الجهة الثانية ..
فلو لم يكن أعوجاً لكانت أهون ضربة سببت نزيفاً يؤدي – حتماً – إلى الموت
لذا ...
على حواء أن تفتخر بأنها خُلقت من ضلعٍ أعوج ..!!
و على آدم أن لا يُحاول إصلاح ذاك الاعوجاج
إن حاول الرجل إصلاح ذاك الاعوجاج كسرها ..
و يقصد بالاعوجاج هي العاطفة عند المرأة التي تغلب عاطفة الرجل ...
فيا ادم لا تسخر من عاطفة حواء ...
فهي خُلقت هكذا ..
و هي جميلةٌ هكذا ..
و أنتَ تحتاج إليها هكذا ..
فروعتها في عاطفتها ..
فلا تتلاعب بمشاعرها
و يا حواء،لا تحزني كونكِ عاطفية..
فذاك كمالكِ ومنتهى روعتك...
فلا تحزني......
أيتها الغالية .... فأنتِ تكونين المجتمع كله ..
فأنتِ نصف المجتمع الذي يبني النصف الآخر

--منقول من موقع على موقع الFacebook--(Michael Samy)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Why do anime have fillers?!!

1098627735753I always wondered up till recently why on earth would anime and manga authors put fillers in-between episodes of anime releases on TV. It even reaches that someone will stop watching a certain series. Well a lot of thoughts and theories were put to this matter, and the result was acceptable in general, but from a viewer point of view not exactly acceptable. The theories were like that…some said because the just want to excite people more into watching the series and not just only get the manga release of that certain series, but that was answered people are already excited to see the anime since they saw it on manga, beside manga is a bit lifeless so no need for delay. Some said to let authors have time to transform manga into anime. But the answer they already have the time, maybe this theory didn’t come out of graphics pros but then again didn’t please all. Well the dealers said that the answer is quiet simple to give both the manga and the anime release the time to sell, or if not that certain item weather it is the manga or the anime will fade quickly. But I think each have a different fan.

I didn’t have the opportunity to ask an author why do they put fillers. But anyway everyone chose the answer that will make him/her wait for a while till the release he/she waiting for be released.

A note to all manga and anime authors, don’t put SO MUCH fillers in-between the series’ story lines, cause we(Manga and anime fans—including me—) get frustrated and a bit sad by the time it take to get back on track.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

New Things

Well…I want to try a new thing. I have a blog..obvious enough…but I think there was more to the blog than just articles…technically I got this IDEA from Mark Zuckerberg(Creator of Facebook)…though he used his blog in a wired way in the movie “Social Network” ( if that was true) but the point that the blog just to tell people what I I decided to get “Microsoft Windows Live Writer” and post things to my blog…and maybe get a diary to my private stuff. Experts say that diaries or blogs improves ones writing abilities…so will give it a shot and see what will come up…